INFJ Intensity. Why it’s hard for an INFJ to “just let go”. Have you noticed that INFJs can get pretty intense about their hobbies or passions? What is the reason why INFJs can get so hardcore about a hobby or project? To understand that, we have to understand INFJ Introverted iNtuition.
INFJs are known for:
- Extreme mental self-control and self-discipline
- Great imaginativity and an ability to easily visualise anything
- A lack of flexibility or response to external stimulation
The extreme mental self-control of the INFJ is because of their dominant Introverted iNtuition. INFJs can directly hone in on and control their own thoughts and naturally take charge over their own imagination. While many personality types experience daydreaming as an unintentional, random or odd process, most INFJs experience deliberate daydreaming.
They can intentionally hone in on and focus on one idea. Because INFJs are so visual-abstract, they can imagine an idea from many perspectives and can see something in rich color and detail. Sensory associations are common for INFJs and INFJs can vividly experience smell, colour, sound and even physical sensations from the safety of their own mind.
INFJ obsessiveness comes from the INFJs lack of flexibility to external stimulation. While an ESTP can effortlessly, and quickly, shake a thought or impression from their mind to focus on something immediate happening around them, the INFJ personality type builds such intuitive momentum. If they are stuck working on something, they become so fascinated with it, and so preoccupied with all the details of the idea, that they can’t hear or perceive any external stimulation. Sounds around you become completely filtered out. Nothing around you matters. You are so preoccupied that you literally can’t see the material world anymore.
I don’t like. I obsess. Watch my video on INFJ and obsession here.
INFJ Obsessiveness Explained
Being so preoccupied with something, the INFJ can easily become obsessive in their behaviour. This is why many INFJs make great writers, as this ability lends to an ability to imagine vast mental landscapes and to dedicate most of your waking time to writing and expressing this inner world on paper.
This can also cause problems with relationships, as INFJs can forget about friends and family and work related responsibilities, as they find themselves blindly focused on research, analysis, and theory. INFJs are generally not compulsive in their behaviour. It is rare for the INFJ to need to manifest their ideas and thoughts in any form of physical behaviour. It is more likely for an INFJ to find themselves repeating the same phrase over and over in their head.
INFJs can find themselves staring at a whiteboard until an idea comes to mind, for hours on end. INFJs can lose track of time as they work on a project, forgetting anything else they had to do in a day. The INFJ home can be messy, and while mentally, they have everything neatly compartmentalised in boxes, physically, their environment can be quite chaotic.
It is also said that the INFJ intensity and INFJ obsessiveness can be visibly perceived in their gaze. INFJs are said to have a thousand yard stare. INFJs tend to look at things with focus and intent, yet also with absence. They look determined and driven yet not “fully there.” The INFJ can look lost in thought, yet completely determined at the same time. To be both intense and at the same time, lost in twilight zone, is typical of the INFJ.
The Problem With INFJ Intensity
Due to your INFJ intensity, you may experience the following issues:
- Setting aside your project to focus on day to day practical tasks
- Letting go of a project if it has become unhealthy or if it won’t lead to a positive outcome
- You can’t stop thinking about something
- Reimagining trauma or a negative situation over and over again, making it more and more hurtful
- Intentional self-harm or constant self-berating or an inability to let go of mistakes you’ve made in the past
- Boring your friends or family members by constantly talking about something that interests you
- You don’t see positive things that happen in your immediate environment
- You miss out on new opportunities and possibilities because you’re so focused on “that one thing”
- Forgetting to manage present concerns because you are so focused on the future
- An inability to prioritise practical matters over your interests
Watch my video on the INFJ gaze