The Introvert
The Hermit
Introverts represent solitude, distance, and detachment. You take joy in simplicity, calm, and self-preservation.
The Extrovert
The Explorer
Extroverts represent search, learning, and new experiences. You represent abundance, growth, and experience.
The iNtuitive
The Sage
iNtuitives represent wisdom, insight and a rich imagination. You have a unique perspective on the world.
The Sensor
The Everyperson
Sensory types represent normalcy, practice, and resilience. You are a family person and a friend.
The Feeler
The Helper
You represent caring and nurture. You show concern and attention to other people and the world around you.
The Thinker
The Reformer
Thinkers are focused on improving and bettering themselves and the world. You see the world in critical, objective terms.
The Judger
The Leader
Judging types represent leadership, drive and ambition. You symbolise control and order, honour and integrity.
The Perceiver
The Rebel
Perceiving types represent chaos, creativity and freedom. You are adaptable and flexible and march to the beat of your own drum.