More and more people talk about iNtuition as having multiple subtypes. In fact, every function can be divided into two subtypes. So are you an Assertive iNtuitive (N+) or a Turbulent iNtuitive (N-)? It may vary depending on your current level of confidence.
What is iNtuition?
Intuition, or the need for variety, the unfamiliar, the unknown, comes in two forms. One, we know as Introverted iNtuition, and the other as Extroverted iNtuition.
The main difference between Introverted iNtuition and Extroverted iNtuition appears to be the speed or rate of neurons firing. Extroverted iNtuition appears more quick-paced, and less patient. Introverted iNtuition appears more like a slow moving, cerebral force. But more and more people are talking about two different forms of iNtuition. In this article, we will dive into the nature of these two subtypes, and what they mean in practice.

Assertive (N+) or Turbulent iNtuition (N-)
What makes a function assertive is whether it moves towards and asserts its own will on the object. The Assertive iNtuitive (N+) is more of a rebel, inventor, or innovator, forcing change on its environment.
Assertive iNtuition drives transformation of everything around it. It challenges convention directly, and pushes forward it’s own agenda. It turns traditional processes to new processes. It breaks rules and norms. It questions established ideas directly, more like a political pundit would.
Turbulent iNtuition (N-) appears instead to move away from the object. When faced with a conflict, it changes direction or form, and instead transforms itself. It is more like a discoverer, explorer, or philosopher.
It seeks truth by moving away from convention and finding it’s own way. It questions in silence, and observes without trying to interfere in the process. When tradition and norms forces itself on the Turbulent iNtuitive, the turbulent iNtuitive looks for a way out, rather than through.
“But what if I have both?”
– You, probably
Is it time to attack or is it time to prepare?
Intuition is a developed subtype and your iNtuition will be more assertive when you are more confident, and more turbulent when you struggle with confidence or self-esteem. You will have times in your life where you find yourself pulling away from tradition – and times when you rather seek to confront it directly.
Instead of trying to fit yourself in one box, consider what strategy best suits you in your present day life. We sometimes need to retreat and pull back – and a retreat can be a tactically smart decision. It can help you mobilize and gather energy so that you can strike at a later time, when you feel more prepared and ready.
The Two Subtypes of Introverted Intuition
Sometimes, you will find yourself acting more as a Philosopher. The Philosopher is Turbulent, and moves away from conventional beliefs and norms in their society. Instead, they seek unique and original explanations to how the world works. This mode helps you find unique and original ways of seeing the world, by removing yourself from what already is.
Other times, you will find yourself moving more as a Visionary, seeking to realise your unique ideas or unconventional beliefs in the world around you. The visionary moves more as an advocate, pushing their Introverted iNtuition to other people, selling it as a utopia or a vision for the future that other people should rally behind. What makes this function still introverted is the slow-paced, focused, and patient manner by which you work to realise your ideas.
The Two Subtypes of Extroverted Intuition
Sometimes, you will find yourself feeling an urge to run or quickly pull away from a situation, especially if you feel trapped by convention, traditions, or in a place that makes you feel stifled. By removing yourself from the situation, you fast track your way to creativity, and find new and unusual situations, people, or ways forward. This is the way of an Explorer or Seeker.
At other times, you will find yourself feeling a desire to confront traditions using a more direct approach. Instead of moving away from the situation, you act more as an Inventor. This approach is more Assertive, as it requires you to manipulate the object or situation more directly, and to transform it into something new. You must not let yourself become passive in the face of what is or what has been done in the past. That can’t stop the future and the ideas that you have of how a situation could become better.
What makes introverted and extroverted iNtuition different, is the speed and rate at which we do something. The extroverted iNtuition keeps a steady, spontaneous and fast pace, no matter if they are moving away from a situation, or confronting a situation more directly.
The Introverted iNtuitive keeps a slow and patient, more focused approach. So are you in a rush, or are you taking your time? Are you keeping your options open, or are you trying to stay on a consistent path? Are you moving linearly, in a set direction, or are you quickly jumping from thing to thing, in a more flexible manner?
Some call Assertive Intuition “Masculine”, and Turbulent iNtuition more “Feminine.”. I think we like to project gender stereotypes on everything we see. We like to see gender on everything. It’s a romantic explanation, dividing everything in the world into what is more masculine, and what is more feminine. To me, gender has more to do with sexual identity and reproduction, and less to do with personality. Women can be assertive, and men can be turbulent, and it all depends on your level of confidence in a specific situation. Why make it about gender in the first place?
What do you think? Share your thoughts in the comments down below!
Interesting take on the traditional MBTI A/T dichotomy. I’ve not done much reading on the differences.
For the section of the 2 subtypes of Ne, which one is the assertive and which one is the turbulent? That might help a bit in clarifying. I seem to demonstrate more of the latter paragraph in recent times and more of the former in my past.
Great read nonetheless.
– Gabriel from WeAreJungians
You are awesome and I adore you ^^