Home | The Age Of Self-Actualization

Hey everyone, I’m Erik Thor, an expert on using personality psychology for flow and personal development.

The Age Of Self-Actualization

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Grow into your
best version of yourself

With this new book by Erik Thor

We’re at the start of a new age of Self-Realization.

You have a right and duty to live your best life. Become the best version of yourself by exploring the 16 virtues of a good person and the eight values of a good life.

The Eight Values For A Good Life

  • Security & Tradition
  • Universalism
  • Benevolence
  • Intellect
  • Self-direction
  • Stimulation
  • Professional achievement
  • Play and recreation

Cultivate the 16 human virtues

We move to meet our needs, whether they are emotionally fulfilling relationships or success at work, through cultivating inner virtues like Modesty, Stability, or Optimism.

Erik Thor Personality Type

Everyone has a unique personality.

You were not born with a blank page to fill out. You were born with a unique genetic code. Get to know yourself and who you are through interactive exercises that help you explore your authentic thoughts and feelings about life.

In what ways are you an introvert and when are you more like an extrovert?

What kind of intuition do you have?

How do you relate to your own feelings and emotions?

How has your life and upbringing influenced your personal development?

How can you achieve a Flow State and Zen like focus in anything you do?

What kind of environment best supports you and your personality and needs?

Imagine a world where everyone is actualized.

The goal of personal growth should not be an individual quest we undertake alone but a project we undertake together with others. While introspection is central to achieving insight into yourself, you also need other people to flourish. Use social networks and other people to supercharge your personal development. Go on a quest in the outer world and make the outer world a reflection of your inner values.

We need to reshape our politics and our societies to encourage human flourishing. We must ask ourselves: What kind of society and education model would best facilitate my personal growth and that of others? How do we create a society that encourages human virtue and strong, healthy individuals?

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