Tag: YouTube
Published on YouTube: This Makes People Obsess Over Their MBTI Personality Type
This Makes People Obsess Over Their MBTI Personality Type You enter a forest. Who’s forest? Why are you here? As you walk through the narrow paths and try not to stumble over the vines, you realize there’s something eerily familiar about this place. You’ve been here before. Many times. And then it hits you. The…
Published on YouTube: 16 Traits Only INFPs Have
16 Traits Only INFPs Have Here’s the full video – 16 traits only INFPs have! #infp #infps While others love to go out and party, you love to go inwards. My name is Erik Thor and I’ve been a dreamer all my life. In this channel, we talk about the inner world of dreams, journalling,…
New video: Science Shows Personality Type Can Change, But How Much?
Science Shows Personality Type Can Change, But How Much? Personality types have been proven to be relatively consistent over time. However, some factors can cause personality to change. What causes personality to change, and how much does it change? https://ift.tt/hlwJQ2C #personality #personalitytypes #16personalities Hey! My name is Erik Thor. I’m a Swedish Coach and aspiring…
New video: ENFJ Spotted in the wild
ENFJ Spotted in the wild Would people guess your personality type if they met you on the street? Sign up for my coaching sessions and learn how to use personality psychology in your own life. #enfj #enfjs #16personalities Hey! My name is Erik Thor. I’m a Swedish Coach and aspiring author. I study personality psychology…
Published on YouTube: Top 20 INFP Careers
Top 20 INFP Careers What would your ideal job be, INFP? #infp #infps #career While others love to go out and party, you love to go inwards. My name is Erik Thor and I’ve been a dreamer all my life. In this channel, we talk about the inner world of dreams, journalling, self-discovery, and creativity.…
New video: Extroverted Intuitives Have These 8 Skills
Extroverted Intuitives Have These 8 Skills What are your strongest skills, Extroverted iNtuitive? 🙂 #extrovertedintuition #enfp #entp Hey! My name is Erik Thor. I’m a Swedish Coach and aspiring author. I study personality psychology and personal development under giants like Carl Jung, Alfred Adler, Abraham Maslow, and Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi. Are you maybe an INFP, ENFP,…
Published on YouTube: 16 Traits ONLY INFPs Have
16 Traits ONLY INFPs Have What personality trait do you have that no other personality type has? Let’s discuss that in today’s video. Get coaching to better understand yourself here: https://ift.tt/VXyLOFw #infp #infps #16personalities While others love to go out and party, you love to go inwards. My name is Erik Thor and I’ve been…
Published on YouTube: Is Swedens ADHD Explosion A Warning
Is Swedens ADHD Explosion A Warning Swedens government is warning about an increased amount of young people with an ADHD diagnosis. Is this a warning for what’s to come for the rest of the world? And why is ADHD on the rise? #adhd You enter a forest. Who’s forest? Why are you here? As you…
New video: ENTP Spotted In The Wild
ENTP Spotted In The Wild Imagine someone came up to you and immediately guessed your personality. That’s what happened to this ENTP! #entp #entps #16personalities Hey! My name is Erik Thor. I’m a Swedish Coach and aspiring author. I study personality psychology and personal development under giants like Carl Jung, Alfred Adler, Abraham Maslow, and…
New video: The Intuitive Outsider Complex
The Intuitive Outsider Complex Do you feel like an outsider or like you are different from other people? Let’s talk about that. Support my channel by becoming a Patron: https://ift.tt/Hj4zS9N I’ll send back a detailed explanation and theories and insights as well as suggestions for further study to help you become more aware of yourself,…