The 16 Personalities as INFJ Mistypes
ENFP: Always was an outsider and did things their own way. Didn’t relate to anyone around. Have an INFJ shadow – strive towards a vision or bigger idea and seek a sense of purpose in their life and actions. Less extroverted ENFPs can have a really hard time telling the difference.
The ENFP Manic Pixie Dream Girl
The problem with the ENFP Stereotype Actually, on a really good day, an ENFP may even relate a little to the reckless stereotypes painted in the left in red. Sometimes they can truly let go of all inhibitions and worries. They’ll be sharing fully of themselves and opening up to those around them. But most…
The Emotional Lives of the Sixteen Personalities
Can we predict a persons type simply by observing what they are feeling and how they deal with those feelings? Yes. Definitely. Our feelings are always honest with us and tell us more about ourselves than our thoughts and reasons do. If you can spot what emotions are driving a person and how they respond…
INFP vs ISFP – The Showdown of the century
I S N F P INFP vs ISFP – What type are you? The INFP vs ISFP debate can be summed up by this: INFP and ISFP Cognitive Function Showdown INFP and ISFP Shadow
The Big 5/OCEAN model and the 16 Personalities
These are the secret connections between the MBTI and the Big5!
How can an INFP become happy?
Many INFPs struggle with feelings of melancholy and depression at some point during their life. And often, this melancholy and depression can take a darker turn that it would take in other personality types. So what can an INFP do to become happy? These are my INFP Happiness Hacks. Looking through my list of famous…
Who In Game Of Thrones Are You?
Are you more motivated in power and in getting the iron throne? Or are you more focused on breaking out of your genders stereotypes or your chosen path, and being free to live life your own way? Do you tend to be more focused on doing something for the tribe? People are quick to judge…
My Eleven INFJ Struggles With Extroverted Sensing
In a recent livestream with Jack Aaron, who practices Socionics, I was questioned on my Extroverted Sensing. His remark was that I seemed fairly comfortable with Extroverted Sensing, without valuing it. After the discussion, I thought to myself that I would discuss my experiences with Extroverted Sensing and how I see it as an INFJ…
Are Thinking Types More Unethical?
Online, Thinking (T) types are often branded as prone to unethical and socially irresponsible behaviour. They’re sometimes associated with what in the Big 5 is known as Disagreeableness, being able to disregard social norms and conventions, and with it, moral norms and values that are held as important in our society or in our in-group…
INFP Celebrities – Famous INFPs
What are INFPs like in fiction, movies and music? Who are some famous INFPs you can study to learn more about yourself or the INFP personality type? Famous INFP Celebrities With his unique personal portrayals and his ability to express great truths through acting, Eddie Redmayne has quickly rised in popularity. J.K Rowling posted in…