Canโt get enough tests? Head spinning with a new personality type every day? This is why you can identify with every personality type and cognitive function, and why it is so hard to tell what Myers Briggs Personality Type you are. In this article, I want to show you why I stopped using personality types, and what you can do instead of obsessively trying to fit yourself into a specific personality type.
My name is Erik Thor, and Iโve spent more than a decade researching personality psychology, and worked with professionals from some of the most popular personality inventories in the Enneagram, Myers Briggs Type Indicator, DISC and the Big Five. After giving each system plenty of time to make their case, I eventually discovered that there was never a strong case in the first place. Personality types donโt seem to exist. Yet people keep trying to find and fit themselves in one.
Three Reasons Why You Keep Doubting Your Myers Briggs Personality Type
You’ve probably heard it already. There is no scientific support for the idea of personality types. There are no personality tests or inventories that can consistently prove the idea that people fit into specific personality categories, and so far, only the trait-based inventory of the Big Five has been able to gain some scientific support. But that doesn’t explain why the idea of personality types is still so popular. Millions across the world are fascinated with types. Scientists think people are just being stupid. Companies still invest millions of dollars into these tests. So why are people so fascinated with finding their personality type? These are my three reasons why you can’t decide which Myers Briggs Personality type you are.
- The Forer Effect
Most online descriptions of different personality traits rely heavily on the Forer effect. No matter how they describe the type, and which site you are on, you will note the following pattern: If you take each statement about a personality type, make it a yes or no question, and ask it to 100 people on the street, most people will agree with it.
While conventional wisdom may dictate that the aim of personality experts and bloggers is to provide straightforward advice, it appears their priority instead lies in keeping us engaged. The general approach these professionals take consists of a certain degree of abstraction — not being too specific as precision has its drawbacks; if they get too detailed with their recommendations then audiences can be discouraged from connecting with them through disagreeable comments or criticism.
Essentially, by providing vague yet relatable insights on topics such as character traits and behavior choices they hope to retain our attention while avoiding censure at the same time!
- Depending on your point of viewโฆ
Have you ever wondered if the way you think and act falls into a larger pattern? Make it fun by randomly selecting a personality type, then starting your own brainstorming session to discover which aspects of that description fit with what kind of person you are. Try looking at different scenarios or events in life and figure out how each one contributes towards creating who you are today!
Our personalities are ever-changing and make us complex, multi-faceted individuals. There’s no surprise that depending on the context – like in our professional lives or when traveling with family members – we may find ourselves embodying different personality types than usual! It is a fascinating concept how rarely people talk about this individualized nuance which helps to form who we truly are.
- Depending on the timeโฆ
Does your mood affect how others perceive you? It appears so! From exuberant and energized to quiet and reflective, our emotions can dramatically shape the way we are seen by those around us – even a certified expert. Every day is different, each hour brings fresh perspectives; this means that personality tests may be unreliable when gauging an honest opinion of who we really are.
Do you really have a personality type?
Have you ever felt like life is a never-ending search to find the one true version of yourself? We’ve all entertained this possibility at some point, believing that our personality and interests can be summed up into neat packages. But it isn’t always so black-and-white; we’re complex individuals who shift our behavior based on who we are with or what situation arises!
So instead of relying solely on predetermined personality types, I challenge us to step out of any box – explore new activities, conversations, and people without feeling confined by rules. Who knows where such an open approach could take us…
Letโs focus on traits, not types
Everyone is unique, and our personalities change from moment to moment. Thatโs why I’m looking into a personality tracking tool that captures your traits day-to-day or month-by-month so that you can gain an even deeper understanding of yourself beyond the one-dimensional categorizing methods out there. In doing this, it allows us to be open-minded about ourselves as we come across different thoughts, emotions, and experiences โ putting together the puzzle pieces until ultimately see something beautiful in its entirety!
Context-defined personality inventories
It’s fascinating to explore the different personalities we possess and how they are affected by context and situation. Every person has a unique character, one that is sure to evolve depending on their environment – whether it be at work or out with friends. It’s captivating to understand our ever-changing selves!
What kind of contexts could be interesting to look at?
- How you are by yourself, privately
- How you are in social settings
- How you are at work?
- How you are during recreational activities
But there may be other contexts too, that we should be considering when trying to better understand ourselves.
Letโs accept change
It’s a beautiful thing that we, as humans, are never stagnant in our personalities. Our experiences shape us and enable us to make changes within ourselves from day to day or even moment by moment! As exciting of an idea as it may be for people to live lives like robots with predetermined programs guiding them along their journey – thankfully such is not the case. Tests across multiple days can offer insights into how our personality might look over time but at the end of the day every person is unique and ever-changing; no two persons will ever experience life exactly alike!
I understand why people might think my approach is too complicated. However, I believe it is important to consider the subtleties and nuances of individual personalities when attempting to gain a better understanding of our behavior. Labeling someone with a specific personality type can be limiting and overlook other aspects of their personality that are equally as crucial.
We all want to feel like we fit in and belong, but this does not mean that everyone needs to be placed into a single category. Everyone should have the opportunity to explore and express their own individuality without feeling confined to one strict definition. You can connect with people more easily if you treat them as complex individuals and take an interest in their personal perspectives, instead of trying to treat them as a category or specific type of person.
I understand that some people may feel their personality is fixed, and this can feel true for many of us, especially when we feel stuck in life. However, it’s important to remember that our personalities are constantly evolving as we experience new things and challenges in life.
You might argue that my views above prove I am a specific personality type and that therefore, my arguments are invalid (or biased). I personally think that my views on the matter have evolved over time. Recognize your mind’s ability to imagine patterns simply because you want to see patterns. If you have decided that I am wrong, you are more likely to assume I am a personality type that you normally dislike. If you think I am a certain personality type, you are more likely to only see the things that I do that fit said specific personality type. Notice how personality type can present a bias that keeps you from looking at a situation from the bigger picture.