Home | INTP and INFP Neuroticism Explained

Hey everyone, I’m Erik Thor, an expert on using personality psychology for flow and personal development.

INTP and INFP Neuroticism Explained

INTP and INFP Neuroticism. We live in a world that tends to celebrate extroverts and critique introverts. Introversion is still today seen as something negative, while extroversion is regarded as something positive and healthy. The two personality types that suffer the most from this are the INFP and INTP personality types. INTPs dominate the charts as the personality type that tends to hear the most negative messages about their own personality type.

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INTP Neuroticism

The INTP personality type is the most neurotic and INTPs tend to be the most negative about themselves. 74% of my INTP test takers describe themselves in more negative than positive terms. Yes, INTPs outclass any other personality type when it comes to rate of self-doubt, general pessimism, and cautiousness. So why is INTP neuroticism so high?

Why INTPs Are So Neurotic

  • Society tends to punish people that don’t fit in and struggle with interpersonal relationships. If you struggle to communicate with other people, you often become misunderstood. Society may build up a false image of who you are and people may be more angry with you because it is easier to pick on a person who has a low social standing in the group.

Often, developing Extroverted Feeling is not a solution for an INTP. If you constantly have to compromise and adjust who you are and how you come across as an INTP, you internalise the idea that your intellect, skill, or knowledge is not valuable to the group. If you put your own values in second place in order to fit in, you still end up feeling like an outsider.

  • INTP neuroticism may be a result of the negative stigma faced by frequent misunderstandings, bullying, and a lack of strong and healthy relationships. Social interaction will help you build up oxytocin, a hormone that gives you a feeling of being safe and connected to the world and other people. We as a society may need to learn to be kinder to our nerds. Be careful not to demonise those that you do not understand. Do not demand that people show you warmth or that people follow along with your social norms. Don’t punish people who are socially awkward or can’t communicate as well as you.

INFP Neuroticism

INFPs are another MBTI type that tends to describe themselves in negative terms. 57% of INFPs tend to doubt themselves, while 43% are more confident in themselves. Why is INFP neuroticism so strong compared to other, often more extroverted personality types?

Why INFPs Are So Neurotic

INTPs come out on top of INTPs, probably because, even if INFPs are not always treated well in our society, INFPs often have a strong inner compass. By knowing yourself, you can feel more connected to yourself and who you are. It is easier to trust yourself if you are ready to listen to and honour your own feelings. Still, it is not easy for an INFP to express this confidently to the outer world.

We often tell INFPs they need to become more assertive and strong in themselves, however, for an INFP this can have the opposite intended effect. INFPs that develop Extroverted Thinking tend to experience more negativity and anxiety because this causes them to feel cut off from themselves. Extroverted Thinking is often in conflict with your need for harmony and peace.

While you may feel secure in yourself, you may often put yourself in second place in relation to other people. You do not trust your own strength or ability to compete or be successful in the world. While you may or may not like yourself, you do not expect other people to like you or accept you. We live in a society that celebrates strength and those that go for what they want. Often, we tolerate bullies that will steamroll a group to get what they want. We let people who are strong lead no matter if they are right or wrong in doing so. We ignore those that are shy or that speak with a soft voice, even if they are right in what they say.


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3 years ago

Dang that was helpful! Thank you for explaining that in a simple and short manner๐Ÿฅฐ

3 years ago

We let people who are strong lead no matter if they are right or wrong in doing so. We ignore those that are shy or that speak with a soft voice, even if they are right in what they say. I’m an INFP and this line is so true.

3 years ago

Dang that was helpful! Thank you for explaining that in a simple and short manner๐Ÿฅฐ

3 years ago

We let people who are strong lead no matter if they are right or wrong in doing so. We ignore those that are shy or that speak with a soft voice, even if they are right in what they say. I’m an INFP and this line is so true.

2 years ago

Intp here, biggest bs Iโ€™ve ever read. I give exactly one fuck, enough only to write this comment lol

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