INFPs are most likely to mistype as INTPs, INFJs, ISFPs and ENFPs. In today’s article, I will help you tell the difference between these types and show you how these types think and work.
Learn more about mistypes for the 16 personalities here.
What are the most common INFP mistypes?
Because most people type by simplistic personality tests, it is most common to mistype as neighbouring types, like ENFPs, ISFPs, INTPs and INFJs. However, many of these types are radically different to INFPs on many levels, including cognition, different personality traits, interests and values.

INFP mistyped as INTP
INFPs can mistype as INTPs because both types are very introverted and can be described as sometimes shy or even reserved. It takes a while for you to open up to people. Both are also relatively intuitive personality types. You have a creative, sometimes eccentric disposition, and on the downside, you can both be a bit lazy.
More importantly, INFPs are highly Feeling types and INTPs are highly logical. You base your decisions on your feelings and your identity, values, and inner world is very important to you. INTPs disregard the subjective factor

INFP Mistyped as INFJ
An INFP mistyped as INFJ may relate to the INFJ as they are also introverted types, but INFPs are in general less outgoing than INFJs. INFPs will also find the INFJ to be slightly more eccentric and less down to earth.
In general, an INFP relates to the world more emotionally and looks at their own personal feelings and values, while INFJs are more comfortable with detaching from their own emotions.
Even more importantly, an INFP is more adaptable and individualistic and values freedom and adventure to a much higher extent than the INFJ. INFJs are generally easygoing types that try to balance and fit in with the group. An INFP is more likely to question norms and conventions in the group.

INFP mistyped as ISFPs
Why do INFP get mistyped as ISFPs? One reason is because both are very feeling and prefer to deal with life emotionally, looking at their personal values and needs. On the other hand, ISFPs are far more practical about their feelings and experience less self-doubt and worry.
ISFPs ground their feelings in a healthy day to day lifestyle and will channel themselves into sports or physical activity to let go of steam and frustrations. INFPs are more likely to retreat inwards and to deal with life existentially. INFPs are more introverted and more shy than ISFPs, but only slightly, and tend to be far more adaptable and individualistic. While ISFPs are more okay with compromise and can adjust to the group, INFPs are less likely to compromise on their identity and values.

INFP mistyped as ENFP
ENFPs are generally ambiverted, while INFPs are generally introverted. That means ENFPs are on the mid-point on extroversion-introversion, ESFJs on the other end of the pole, and INFPs on the other end. This can cause some mistyping. But it is more likely for an ENFP to mistype as an INFP than the other way around.
More interestingly, ENFPs are the most logical of all feeling types, and will detach and distance themselves from their own emotions when necessary. An ENFP can steel themselves and stay cold and objective, while an INFP will stay more in character and be more true to themselves and their own feelings. It is easy for an ENFP to hide their feelings – it is hard for an INFP to act outside of their moral compass.
When it comes to intuition, an INFP may definitely perceive the ENFP as more scattered and more creative. While both enjoy an intellectual conversation, the INFP can at some point decide it is too trivial and abstract. The INFP will also be less comfortable to discuss morally wrong what-ifs and options that go against their values and identity.