If there is a self, there is an oppositional self. If there is an oppositional self, there are intermediary forces to balance the self and the oppositional self. If there are intermediary forces, there must be relationships between each of these forces. If there are relationships or paths between these processes, there must be a general narrative. If there is a general narrative, there must be an oppositional narrative. This too, supposes the existence of intermediary narratives, and relationships between all these narratives. And that supposes a meta-narrative, in which all narratives coexist. And we are blind to the world – to the self – and to life, if we cannot understand this.

The self: Dominant Function
Oppositional Self: Inferior Function
Aux: Auxiliary Function
Ter: Tertiary Function
Prevailing narrative: 5th Function
Oppositional narrative: 8th Function
Aspirational Narrative/Utopia: 6th Function
Regressive Narrative/Dystopia: 7th Function