Despite all the articles and content online celebrating introverts and introversion, many people still feel ashamed to be alone or to do things on their own. Most would never take themselves out for dinner, feel they can’t go on a walk without a friend to tag along with, or that they can only go to a cafe or the movies if they’ve got a friend with them.
But you can travel, and have amazing experiences on your own, and in fact, when you have these experiences alone, they can be highly recharging and a way to reconnect with new sides of yourself. This is a list of tips for how each of the 16 personalities can enjoy their alone time. So this is how to have more fun alone as an introvert!

This weekend, I went swimming in the ocean and went out for thai food all by myself. I finished one book by the beach, and came home full of energy and inspiration. When younger, I might tell myself I couldn’t go on a weekend trip unless I found a friend to tag along, or that I could only go swimming if I managed to find another friend that wanted to do that. But that’s so limiting! Should we confine ourselves to only doing things our friends want to do with us? And how will that inspire us?
The INFJ and INFP can be a walking contradiction, literally, in that they tend to want to be alone – yet surrounded by people. Therefore, INFJs and INFPs make the most of their introversion by going to social, yet quiet venues, like cafes, libraries, and places where they can observe people from a safe distance. These experiences can be highly stimulating for the INFJ and INFP, as it helps them get inspiration to write, create, or learn. The truth is INFJ and INFP, you write more if you take your notebook with you outside, or if you go to draw by a lake or in the forest. If your inspiration ever wanes and your walls don’t give you any stimulation, consider finding interesting spots outside, in nature, or from observing people in your environment.
INTJ and INTPs need a little more structure when it comes to being alone. Although they may want to be left to their own devices, having too much time alone can become overwhelming for them. To make the most of their solitary moments, INTJs and INTPs should plan ahead and give themselves something ‘productive’ to do – such as reading a book, writing in a journal, or researching a topic they are interested in. This can help give them focus and direction while still allowing them the space they need to think and process.
Another activity that INTJs and INTPs often enjoy is exploring new places by themselves. Visiting museums, significant monuments, or even unique locations near their home can provide an outlet for each individual’s creative energy as well as allow them the opportunity to learn about new cultures or topics. For example, an INTJ may take themselves on a guided tour of historic battlefields while an INTP could explore a botanical garden and discover different plant species.
ISTJs and ISTPs are typically practical, hands-on people who prefer to have a plan when they go out alone. They also tend to be highly independent, so spending time alone can be quite natural for them. To make the most of their solo adventures, ISTJs and ISTPs should focus on activities that involve physical exertion or that require problem-solving skills.
For ISTJs, this could mean taking themselves out for a hike or finding a new route to run; while ISTPs may find more enjoyment in activities like rock climbing, kayaking, or mountain biking.
ISFJ and ISFP are more detail-oriented, preferring to spend their time alone engaged in activities that involve more thoughtful thinking. When they do venture out on their own, ISFJs and ISFPs should focus on activities that allow them to experience the world around them with all of their senses.
For ISFJs, this could include a leisurely stroll through a park or visiting an art museum; while ISFPs may take themselves to a concert, visit local attractions, or go for a drive in the countryside.
What’s your best tip for introverts to enjoy their days more?