Are you an INFJ, the Introverted iNtuitive Feeling Judging Type? The INFJ ‘Philosopher’ is an enigmatic, existentially minded type focused on realising the one big idea or goal in their life. In this article, I will show you som articles and resources you can use to find out if you’re an INFJ or not. So how to know if you are INFJ? A lot of people struggle with INFJ doubt. There are lots of mistyped INFJ out there. Some descriptions online are just too general and vague, making everyone want to identify with this personality type.

Discover my five step approach to figure out if you are an INFJ or not.
How To Know If You’re INFJ
- Check if you have Introverted iNtuition as your dominant function
Introverted iNtuition , or ‘The One Big Idea’ is the driving process of an INFJ. When dominant, this function can give you an almost obsessive like focus on a singular goal or specific project. You will value this idea above any other opportunities that come along on the way. For you, realising this idea is your primary idea of having fun. You move towards your long-term goal with confidence and unwavering resolve. If you consider yourself more creative or open-minded, you might have Extroverted iNtuition instead.
- See if you are an Introvert or Extrovert
If you’re an INFJ, you’re most likely an ambivert. You’re self-controlled and even-tempered. You can be outgoing and can take initiative in social settings, but you can find external input to be draining or stressful to manage over time. You are a proactive type and your idea or project can drive you to go out in the world. If you think you’re more introverted, consider the possibility that you may be an INFP. INFPs and INTPs are more withdrawn or reserved than INFJs.
- Check if you’re an iNtuitive or Sensor
How to know if you are INFJ? INFJs are not just iNtuitives but also dominant iNtuitives. For you, the process of realising an idea or driving a specific process of transformation is more important than anything else. As an iNtuitive, people may find you to be impractical and overly complicated at times. You’re inclined to doubt yourself and everything you hear. You seek an original approach and resist norms and traditions. If you don’t identify with this, consider that you might be an ISFJ. ISFJs are more consistent and dependable than INFJs.
- Consider if you are a Feeling or Thinking type
As an INFJ, you’re probably a bit of both. INFJs are people that tend to be highly analytical people. They can be very talented in technical subjects and science, but their core focus is always to use their talents in order to help people. As an INFJ, some may think of you as cold. I’ve found that INFJs are more focused on communicating their ideas to people. INFJs are people-pleasers that are often thinking about other’s needs, albeit in a critical and detached manner. If you’re very sure that you are a Feeling type, consider that you might be an ENFJ or another Feeling dominant. ENFJs are more passionate and warm people.
- See if you are a Judging or Perceiving type
INFJs are highly self-controlled individuals that live by a tight system of ethics. You need focus and value self-discipline. You can easily become stuck as you sometimes avoid seeking new perspectives and alternative viewpoints. If you’re an INFJ, you set and work hard to reach your goals. If you consider yourself to be more adaptable or free-spirited, consider being an INFP a possibility. INFPs are people that can show discipline when necessary, but are also comfortable with improvisation.
Take my personality test
I made this personality test to help people figure out their personality type.
INFJ Mistyped as INFP?
If you’re doubting between INFJ and INFP, I made this YouTube video that explains the difference. Are you an INFJ or INFP?
How did you know that you were an INFJ?
It’s possible your are an ENFJ. This idea of specific goal or static goal that causes obsession is Ni divergent. INFJs have most flexibility within the area of Ni, and it is flowing and highly flexible. If you are someone who works towards one goal rather than it being this kind of ebb and flow of intellect you are not infj. This kind of feeling of going into this gaping hole that you describe could be your lack of Si, which causes this ethereal feeling when you are in an introverted state. Your Ni is divergent, and your Fe is dominant, which makes perfect sense since you say that you are most responsible for social order. Infjs aren’t known only for looking to humanitarian goals but Ni is so normal to them they won’t be seeing it as this kind of fixed concept. You don’t seem to describe yourself as someone who uses cold detached cognitive empathy, but someone whose first way of relating is directly to social order. I do understand sometimes people go by certain personas on YouTube to get a certain feedback, but you seem to be soft. Much less cold than infj for sure.
No type is an ambivert. Common misconception! Introverts spend a lot of time just in their own headspace, while extroverts prefer interacting with outside stimuli and feel uncomfortable doing nothing. When I say uncomfortable I mean genuinely need an outside thing to interact with it’s an entirely different sort of cognition. This is just the “most extraverted introvert” stereotype to make the type relatable to many. It’s a myth.
It’s possible your are an ENFJ. This idea of specific goal or static goal that causes obsession is Ni divergent. INFJs have most flexibility within the area of Ni, and it is flowing and highly flexible. If you are someone who works towards one goal rather than it being this kind of ebb and flow of intellect you are not infj. This kind of feeling of going into this gaping hole that you describe could be your lack of Si, which causes this ethereal feeling when you are in an introverted state. Your Ni is divergent, and your Fe is dominant, which makes perfect sense since you say that you are most responsible for social order. Infjs aren’t known only for looking to humanitarian goals but Ni is so normal to them they won’t be seeing it as this kind of fixed concept. You don’t seem to describe yourself as someone who uses cold detached cognitive empathy, but someone whose first way of relating is directly to social order. I do understand sometimes people go by certain personas on YouTube to get a certain feedback, but you seem to be soft. Much less cold than infj for sure.
No type is an ambivert. Common misconception! Introverts spend a lot of time just in their own headspace, while extroverts prefer interacting with outside stimuli and feel uncomfortable doing nothing. When I say uncomfortable I mean genuinely need an outside thing to interact with it’s an entirely different sort of cognition. This is just the “most extraverted introvert” stereotype to make the type relatable to many. It’s a myth.