Home | ENTP Relationships

Hey everyone, I’m Erik Thor, an expert on using personality psychology for flow and personal development.

ENTP Relationships

ENTP Relationships

If you are looking for a relationship that will help you maintain a healthy state of flow and happiness I would recommend that you date one of the following personality types:

The INTJ Soulmate

The INTJ-ENFP Relationship

INTJ-ENTP relationship tends to be interesting in terms of love because these two personality types can appear very different to outsiders.

But on the inside, there is often a feeling of deep kinship, as if you have met your soulmate.

Both types tend to be able to relax around one another. It feels easy to be yourself around an INTJ as an ENTP.

The ENTP tends to find the INTJs more eccentric qualities endearing. The INTJs tends to find the ENTPs free-spiritedness and honesty refreshing.


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