You are a seeker and somebody who goes out into the world to learn new things. You need plenty of novelty and stimulation and tend to respond to life with high enthusiasm. You tend to have many or deep friendships and connections that you work hard to maintain. At work and to friends, it is important for you to feel seen. 
You are a seeker and somebody who goes out into the world to learn new things. You need plenty of novelty and stimulation and tend to respond to life with high enthusiasm. You tend to have many or deep friendships and connections that you work hard to maintain. At work and to friends, it is important for you to feel seen. 
You are a seeker and somebody who goes out into the world to learn new things. You need plenty of novelty and stimulation and tend to respond to life with high enthusiasm. You tend to have many or deep friendships and connections that you work hard to maintain. At work and to friends, it is important for you to feel seen. 
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