The Cognitive Function Subtypes

Dominant-Tertiary function loops
When the dominant and tertiary function are in a loop, you get a person with strong will and a sense of duty or a mission or responsibility, but also someone who is very serious, and self-critical. You want nothing but the best from yourself and can be hard on yourself for mistakes. You can be so serious about your passion that you become easily demoralised and set goals that are hard to achieve.

Inferior-Tertiary function loops
When the tertiary and inferior function take over, we lose faith in our own mission or purpose. We feel uncertain about who we are and what we want. Instead, we focus on pleasing other people, or trying to meet external expectations. Work, chores, and duties take over our life. We are so focused on work and self-improvement, that we experience little joy or fun in life.

Auxiliary-Inferior function loops
When the auxiliary and inferior work together, we feel a need to present a positive, strong image to the world. We have to always appear great, and so, we are afraid of criticism. We try to laugh and appear like everything is great, even if we have doubts and feel stress. We set goals that are hard or even impossible, and feel nervous that we will not be able to follow through. Our goals usually rely on money, success, fame, or social approval, and we forget to check in with ourselves:

Dominant-Auxiliary function loops
What do I want for myself? What is the honest version of myself?
When the dominant and auxiliary work together, we are self-motivated, driven, and passionate. We work hard towards our goals and live in tune with our own values and morals. We trust our gut. We make mistakes, mess up, or encounter problems, and we are open and honest about our path. We have a learning mindset, and always look to what we can learn from every situation.

The Subtypes Explained
Your subtype can change. You are constantly changing and improving your use of the cognitive functions.
What separates a person with a strong dominant and auxiliary function from someone in the grip of the inferior or tertiary? Leadership.
Leaders have a strong sense of will that they put into projects that they are personally passionate about. They do things for themselves, not for money, recognition, or fame, but because of their passion. They set high goals, but balance high expectations with a dose of humor and a tolerance for risk. They laugh and approach new goals and projects playfully, expecting to fail and to learn a lot in the process.
People in the grip of the inferior or tertiary function behave more like followers. They are more worried about fame, status, and worth to the group. They adjust their actions and decisions to fit in. They are concerned with their persona or image. They are self-critical and perfectionistic. They are hard on themselves when they make mistakes and avoid challenge and disappointment.
Lone-wolfs and independent spirits who go against the norms and against societies expectations. Have their own goals and dreams that they work hard towards, but tend to be highly self-critical. Can be hard on themselves when they are not able to be their best version of themselves. Often have anger or frustration with society or the world, and feel they are not accepted or appreciated for who they are.
Want to present a positive, cheerful, and easy to like image to the world. Feel a need to always appear happy, perfect, and fulfilled. Easy to get along with, as they adjust to fit in with other people. Need approval and appreciation or they can become anxious or turbulent.