Category: Intelligence
Published on YouTube: My Gifted Kid In High School Story
My Gifted Kid In High School Story I was allowed to start school a year early. But I was never allowed to skip a grade. I pushed to get more challenge in school. via YouTube
4 Signs Of Giftedness
SIGNS OF GIFTEDNESS. Are you gifted, or do you think someone near you could be gifted? I have identified four key traits that you can find in a gifted person. It was said by Albert Einstein that he had no special gifts, he was just insatiably curious. But isn’t that a gift in itself? When…
Why Emotional Intelligence Is More Important Than IQ
Discover why emotional intelligence could be a more significant factor for success than IQ. Uncover the essential skills of emotional regulation and communication that can transform your personal and professional life.
Multiple Intelligences Test
This is an initial concept of an intelligence test which tracks for different ways the brain can develop to solve problems, handle everyday tasks, and process information. It is inspired by the cognitive functions and Howard Gardner’s theory of multiple intelligences.
Your Strongest Cognitive Function, Based On Gardner’s Multiple Intelligences
Unleashing Your Strongest Cognitive Function with Gardner’s Multiple Intelligences
Gifted & Burnt Out? | 5 Ways Intelligent People Exhaust Themselves
“Gifted and Burnt Out? 5 Ways Intelligent People Exhaust Themselves”
Are older people more likely to identify as sensors?
I was googling the other day and could find no real statistics on type distribution depending on what age the person is. Obviously, this is counter-theory, your type isn’t meant to change over time, but it’s likely people will test differently depending on what age they are. And I have a hypothesis. I have encountered…