Category: Health
Who is in charge of your life?
“Who is in Charge of Your Life? Understanding Yourself and Taking Control”
How To Go From ENFP T To ENFP A In Five Steps
“From ENFP-T to ENFP-A in 5 Steps: Strategies for Personal Growth”
Are you an INFP A or an INFP T?
Are you an INFP A or an INFP T? Discover Your Personality Type Now
INFP Hero vs INFP Victim
Are you an INFP Hero or an INFP Victim? Discover The Difference Now
How To Be Less Lazy, Based On Your Myers Briggs Personality Type
We all experience periods of low energy, procrastination, and lack of motivation, but it’s important to remember that no personality type is inherently lazy. Instead, we are all driven by different motivations, and understanding our Myers Briggs personality type can help us identify our unique strengths and weaknesses. By focusing on our strengths and finding…
INFJ Health Levels: INFJ At Their Best And Worst
The difference between a level 1 INFJ and a level 9 INFJ is thin, and one can easily tip over to the other.
More Aware of My Flaws Yet More Accepting of Myself
Lately I’ve been thinking about forgiveness. I don’t think I’m alone in holding on to blame and guilt from the past and for who I am. There are things I don’t like about myself and things I wish was different. I annoy myself all the time. There is a dissatisfaction with myself in areas where…
How can an INFP become happy?
Many INFPs struggle with feelings of melancholy and depression at some point during their life. And often, this melancholy and depression can take a darker turn that it would take in other personality types. So what can an INFP do to become happy? These are my INFP Happiness Hacks. Looking through my list of famous…
66 Day Meditation Challenge
Realising that I frequently lose control of my thoughts and that I sometimes experience anxious and disruptive thinking, I have decided to take efforts to investigate how to have a happier and more balanced life through meditation. I want to encourage all of you to join me in this journey and so I’m taking the…
How I Feel When I Read A Book
I’ve already pushed through more than 10 books this year, and last year, I managed to hit 35. I don’t set goals for my reading, it just depends on my mood, and this time of the year, reading speaks a lot to my mood and what I need. Reading is to me not very different…