Category: 16 Personalities

  • Personality Description Updates

    INTJ The Innovator INTJs are primarily interested in two things: Science, and progress. Using reason to develop a scientific methodology, you create systems for problem solving and decision making.  Your hope is that your mind and your ability to think far into the future can help you become a successful entrepreneur. And you’re industrious enough…

  • Are INFPs and INTPs More iNtuitive Than We Think?

    In my research of these two types I have found out something incredibly strange. INFPs and INTPs tend to test out as strong in both Extroverted and Introverted iNtuition. But what does this mean? While INFJs and INTJs tend to have a strong preference for Introverted iNtuition, and ENTPs and ENFPs tend to have a…

  • Even Extroverts Are Fed Up With The Extroverted Culture

    Modern culture is transforming something that could be fun and nice to something that we associate with pressure and stress. Too many people feel pressured to be extroverted, and it is making even extroverts feel fed up with extroverted culture. That you always need to have the sound on your phone in case somebody calls.…

  • INFP Appreciation Month

    INFPs have come to dominate my viewership and readership and my articles on the INFP personality type get more views than any of my other content. I have found my INFP viewers to be extremely kind, appreciative, and good hearted people. Shout out to the personality type that finds a new way to make my…

  • Celebrity Typing Check-List

    1. Get your sidekick & mentor Everyone needs a sidekick. A sidekick is someone you can work together with and test your wits against. Work independently to form an idea and then discuss together. Typing is more fun together – and having a friend by your side that will question you and add contrasting information…

  • The Stage Model (I/J/E/P)

    People often ask me how I explain and define the differences between introverts and extroverts or judging and perceiving types. I have an answer that will explain this to you. I present to you, the stage model: Imagine a theater hall with a stage, a back stage, a front row and a back row. The…

  • The Young Vs Mature ENFP

    Most ENFP Personality descriptions found online are only written to appeal to one particular version of the ENFP personality type, typically those that are in their mid 20’s or those who are searching for a clear identity. It makes sense then, a lot of people do not relate to the traditional descriptions of ENFPs. Because…

  • Who In Game Of Thrones Are You?

    Are you more motivated in power and in getting the iron throne? Or are you more focused on breaking out of your genders stereotypes or your chosen path, and being free to live life your own way? Do you tend to be more focused on doing something for the tribe? People are quick to judge…

  • All The Cognitive Functions And How They Manifest In The INTJ

    The Flow Functions Functions that work like the gas in the car. Functions that push you forward and serve as intrinsic motivation sources. Functions you naturally manifest without thinking about it. Functions that give you energy and control. This function is best represented by the picture of a hero or a fighter. Introverted iNtuition, always…

  • The Four ENFP Subtypes

    ENFPs can be grouped into four different subtypes or flow styles depending on personal preference and development within their personality type. This subtype can be understood by looking at your strongest or most easily noticed qualities The ENFP Subtypes There are four subtypes for the ENFP Personality Type. The Leader, The Follower, The Pleaser, and…