Are you doubting if you really are an INFJ?
Recently, you’ve doubted if you are an INFJ or not. Perhaps it was because you’ve been so outgoing lately, and feel less need to be introverted. Or perhaps it is because you’ve gotten more down-to-earth than usual, and more appreciative of tradition. Maybe you’ve started to look at the world more logically, relying less on Feeling. Or perhaps you’ve started to be much more easygoing and accepting of chaos when the normal INFJ is more organized and disciplined.
In this article, learn about the INFJ spectrum, and why INFJs can appear so different from each other. Learn to embrace the fact that you are not one of the 16 personalities stereotypes, but a unique human with your own special skill set. Your goal is not to find a personality type and try to fit yourself within that box, but to learn to get out and create your own 17th personality type. That’s called self-actualization.
Discover The INFJ Spectrum
The INFJ spectrum is a great way to explain the different INFJs and why INFJs can look so different from each other. INFJ stands for Introverted iNtuitive Feeling Judging and provides a range of possible personality types and traits that INFJs may have. Within this range, INFJs may be more introverted or extroverted, more intuitive or sensing, and more feeling-oriented or thinking-oriented. INFJs can also be more organized and structured in their approach to life, or they can be more chaotic and free-spirited.
Some articles online will attempt to generalize what the INFJ will look like. They may make false claims, like that all INFJs are extremely introverted, or that most INFJs are extremely intuitive. This can make some readers feel like impostors. These kinds of articles disregard the fact that every person is unique. Your environment and experiences as well as your maturity change how you express yourself. It can even change how you think and see the world.
Let’s get inside the INFJ Head
Your development can even change your cognition and how much you identify with a cognitive function. While most online websites work with the assumption that everyone has a fixed cognitive function stack, it is clear that more outgoing INFJs are going to have a stronger use of their extroverted cognitive functions.
The dominant cognitive function of the INFJ is Introverted iNtuition, often referred to as Existential Intelligence. It is often assumed that all INFJs are equally skilled and proficient in this cognitive function. But that’s objectively impossible. Younger INFJs hold more black-and-white perspectives on life’s big questions. Mature, developed INFJs have gotten exceptional at this function, by mastering complex philosophical theories.
These mature INFJs are capable of understanding life through an abstract lens. They rely on alchemy or spirituality to explain complex chains of events in an accurate sense. They appear as highly wise and intelligent individuals. But the most fascinating thing about this type is that their Extroverted Sensing seems almost on par with their Introverted iNtuition. They hold no more conflict with the sensory landscape around them. Instead, they feel completely in tune with real life. They can blend intuition with practical action, and translate new ideas into everyday practicality. Often, this comes from years of spiritual and philosophical exercises.
On the other hand, a busy and stressful work schedule, and a difficult upbringing, may have made it hard for you to prioritize existential thought. On the plus side, it may have taught you other important life skills. If you can, try to get creative and see what small things you could do today to have a little more balance, mentally, physically, and in your thoughts and perspectives.
The Self-Actualised INFJ
The self-actualized INFJ is the self-sufficient individual who has achieved self-mastery. They have gone on a journey of self-discovery and accepted the responsibility that comes with self-growth. The self-actualized INFJ is no longer content to live within a box of stereotypes. Instead, they embrace the fact that self-actualization does not come from following a set of rules or traits but from self-discovery and self-mastery.
The self-actualized INFJ is a unique individual who stands out from the crowd because of their self-confidence and self-sufficiency. They are capable of making decisions based on their own values, understanding the complexities of life, and finding meaningful purpose. They are willing to take risks and look beyond obstacles to create the life they desire.
If you feel like you don’t fit in with the other INFJs, don’t worry. It may be that you are on a journey of self-discovery and taking your time to find the right path. Remember that you are unique and don’t let anyone tell you otherwise. You have the power to define your own destiny, so take a deep breath and take your time. The goal is not to become more like a stereotypical INFJ. Carl Jung saw that the goal was to individuate and transcend personality type, to become a well-integrated, and complex individual. The type was simply the tool to do so. So if you are having personality type doubt, perhaps, that is a good thing. It’s a sign you are becoming more complex.