Author: Erik Thor
The Definite Guide To The Myers Briggs Personality Type Dichotomies
“Find your perfect Disney movie match based on your Myers-Briggs type”
Which Disney Movie Should You Watch Based On Your Myers Briggs Personality Type?
“The 16 personalities, but wrong: Debunking common myths”
The 16 Personalities Playing Boardgames
“Unleash Your Inner Gamer: The 16 Personalities Playing Boardgames”
The 16 Personalities Favourite & Worst Things To do
“Discover your favorite and least favorite activities based on your Myers-Briggs personality type”
How The 16 Personalities Put Together IKEA Furniture
“Putting together IKEA furniture: How the 16 personalities approach the task”
Objective Personality vs The Flow Code compare and contrast
“Objective Personality vs The Flow Code: A comprehensive comparison”
Read THIS If You Don’t Know Your Personality Type
“Struggling to identify your personality type? Read this guide”
INFP, You Have A Choice To Make
“INFP, you have a choice to make: Navigating life decisions based on your type”
Signs You Are ENTP, Not A Sociopath
“Are you an ENTP or a sociopath? Signs to differentiate between the two”