Author: Erik Thor
Your Strongest Cognitive Function, Based On Gardner’s Multiple Intelligences
Unleashing Your Strongest Cognitive Function with Gardner’s Multiple Intelligences
What Books You’d Love Based On Your Personality
What Your Reading Choices Say About Your Personality
Which Archetype Are You, Based On Your Favorite Lord Of The Rings Character
Discover Your Archetype through Your Favorite Lord of the Rings Character
What Personality Trait You Personify, Based On Your Favorite Harry Potter Character
Which Harry Potter Character Represents Your Personality Trait?
Do Personality Types Really Exist? I Organized A Workshop To Find Out
Putting Personality Types To The Test: What I Learned from Organizing a Workshop
Why The Big Five is A Science, While The MBTI Isn’t, And Why That’s Okay
The Science Behind Personality Tests: Why Big Five is More Reliable Than MBTI
How You See Your Parents, Based On Your Myers Briggs Personality Type
The Parent-Child Connection: What Your Myers-Briggs Personality Type Says About Your Relationship
How Minimalism Helps Highly Sensitive People
Less is More: How Minimalism Can Benefit Highly Sensitive People
Relationships for Highly Sensitive People
Navigating Relationships as a Highly Sensitive Person: Tips and Strategies
How Highly Sensitive People Can Thrive In The Physical World & Their Bodies
Thriving in the Physical World: A Guide for Highly Sensitive People