Author: Erik Thor
The Instinctive Problem-Solving of ISTPs
I delve into the innate problem-solving abilities of ISTPs, marveling at their skill in quickly diagnosing issues and proposing practical solutions. The video highlights their proficiency in visual-spatial tasks and their exceptional memory for processes, contributing to their adeptness in troubleshooting. I emphasize how ISTPs can easily visualize and recall past experiences, aiding their analytical…
MBTI as a Tool for Self-Discovery and Personal Growth
In this video, I argue that MBTI’s true goal is to aid in self-discovery rather than just identifying a personality type. I discuss the fluidity of personality and introduce my online course “Self-Discovery One-on-One” designed to help individuals explore their personality in depth. The video stresses the importance of understanding that personality is a spectrum…
Finding Your Ideal Partner Based on MBTI
This video examines the concept of ideal romantic partners through the lens of MBTI personality types. I review scientific studies on dating and relationships, concluding that similar personality types are generally more compatible. The video challenges the notion of ‘opposites attract,’ emphasizing the ease of communication and understanding in relationships between similar personality types.
Neuroplasticity And Love | The Strongest Drivers Of Change
Most of the time, we tend to speak of intelligence as intellectual ability. Intelligence is often referred to as IQ, referencing mental strength. It means having a fast, well-optimized brain. It means being able to gather and organize information quickly to make decisions at a rapid pace. But in this article, I’m going to argue…
Why Emotional Intelligence Is More Important Than IQ
Discover why emotional intelligence could be a more significant factor for success than IQ. Uncover the essential skills of emotional regulation and communication that can transform your personal and professional life.
10 Ways To Develop Systems Thinking, Or The Yellow, Synergy Systems Based Stage In Spiral Dynamics
Our thinking and awareness is constantly expanding. If we examine our own lives and actions and grow as we develop through life, we expand our awareness and our actions become more complex and multifaceted. A problem with how spiral dynamics is often used is people are obsessed with categorizing their own consciousness or understanding what…
Learning To Speak Up For Myself As A Creator
In my video I just released, I spoke about how I feel about myself and how I would define myself. But learning to speak up for myself has been challenging especially because of my struggles with impostor syndrome, self-doubt, and my struggles managing my own self-perception, especially after experiencing mass shaming and online criticism. It…
The Enneagram Haunted Houses
This year, the enneagram types all got their own haunted houses. Which one is your favorite? Watch the haunted houses here.